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on Bright Unbearable Reality, essays by Anna Badkhen

“‘I begin to think,’ she writes, ‘that an aerial photograph exposes the human condition twice: first by depicting the scope of the tragedy we have caused – and then by confronting us with the distance from which we have chosen to view it.'”

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on Walker Evans: Last Photographs & Life Stories by Michael Lesy

“Evans wasn’t trying to push the Polaroid into the realm of art photography so much as enjoy the frisson of high and low created by an acute observer deploying a device built for play and speed.”

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on Bel Canto, poetry by Virginia Konchan

“How can a poet speak when language reaches a stalemate, a stoppage in articulation? Konchan demands an answer in order to save herself from an ongoing battle between creation and silence, chaos and order, the self and the other …”

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on What The Thunder Said: How The Waste Land Made Poetry Modern by Jed Rasula

“Understanding the trends out of which The Waste Land was born, and those to which it gave birth, requires Rasula to offer a genealogy of modern art, which displays his exceptional ability to survey complex cultural histories in succinct and lucid prose without scanting nuance.”

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on Dawn, a novel by Sevgi Soysal, translated by Maureen Freely

“Soysal’s characters, so human and fallible, remind us of ourselves and make us wonder how we would react when the heavy hand of an authoritarian government strikes suddenly and violently.”

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on P I E C E S, poems by Hank Lazer

“For Lazer, the word ‘it’ is crucial because it contains multitudes. What the meaning is is the question. It is there somewhere, beginning from the note left to him by his uncle in an unfinished notebook; or as ritual; or as the weather; or as a koan …”