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on Language City: The Fight to Preserve Endangered Mother Tongues in New York by Ross Perlin
Perlin: “At the very moment when languages are disappearing at an unprecedented rate, many of the last speakers are on the move. Far from being confined to remote islands, towering mountains, or impenetrable jungles, they are now right next door.”
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on Immortal Thoughts: Late Style in a Time of Plague by Christopher Neve
“Neve here finds his own ‘late style,’ an equivalent in words for the transformations he identified in Constable, Titian, Soutine and John.”
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on A Volga Tale, a novel by Guzel Yakhina, translated from the Russian by Polly Gannon
“Steeped in the human history of the Russian Empire, the Bolshevik Revolution, and the Soviet regime, Yakhina’s A Volga Tale matches the power and majesty of that great river.”
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on Chevengur, a novel by Andrey Platonov, translated from the Russian by Robert and Elizabeth Chandler
“… a philosophical novel probing the deepest questions on Russia’s October revolution and the communist society that would follow it.”
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on Craft: A Memoir by Tony Trigilio
“Developing one’s craft and then presuming to share the results is what he calls ‘an honorable form of audacity,’ based on the belief that you have done well and have something to share.”
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Book Notes: New Music Titles — Brad Mehldau, Sly & the Family Stone, Ella Fitzgerald, and Rock & Roll in JFK’s America
“Mehldau discovered that the disruptive artist is an archetype, and each of its incarnations brings both an innovative maker and a repetition of a strange gesture.”
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on Was It for This, poems by Hannah Sullivan
“The trouble isn’t lack of variety but a certain density of purpose, stretching readers’ attention on little to no stakes; not so much idée fixe as fixation itself, an emotional treadmill …”
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on Fallen Angel: The Life of Edgar Allan Poe by Robert Morgan
“Morgan establishes that even with Poe’s odd proclivities, life-threating addictions, and precarious and incessant need to be loved, he will always be ‘one of the most deeply moral writers in our canon.'”
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on Tremor, a novel by Teju Cole
“He first aligns our sightline with Tunde’s, then pulls our frame back beyond his. It’s the first hint that Cole, once on the front line of the autofiction boom, is up to something new.”
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on OCTOBERS, poems by Sahar Muradi
“A diversity of forms, often invented, encapsulate both the experiences of alienation and underlying possibilities for deepening understanding and connection.”
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on The Long Form, a novel by Kate Briggs
“… in choosing the hybrid form of the “part-novel” or “novel essay” for The Long Form, Briggs invokes, via quotation, Mikhail Bakhtin’s “conviction that ‘There is never any problem, ever, which can be confined within a single framework.’”
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on Lou Reed: King of New York by Will Hermes
“Hermes will often introduce a musical, creative, or romantic partner through the lens of what their common ground was — not a small thing for an artist with whom common ground was hard to find.”
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on The Delivery, a novel by Margarita García Robayo, translated from the Spanish by Megan McDowell
“Robayo’s most confident work to date, culling the concepts of the author’s previous fiction to present a surreal tale grounded in a recognizable environment.”
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on The MANIAC, a novel by Benjamin Labatut
“AI makes use of a forward-chaining, which describes how one links data together to advance toward a goal, and in some sense that’s how Labatut structures his novel.”
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on Giornata, poems by Irina Mashinski, translated from the Russian by Maria Bloshteyn & Boris Dralyuk
“Grieving in language — this is what poet does day by day, as giornata describes the amount of paint an artist can apply to the canvas in a single day of work.”