
Poetry |

“Requiem,” “Breviary” & “Causa Sui”

“At the funeral mass, my father asked me to tie his tie. / A parishioner approached, and asked him who died. / My wife, he said, every word an elevation to climb.”

Poetry |

“Sometimes It’s Good to Stop Talking”

“I solved all the problems, all / the road blocks // to world peace, yesterday, while / under the influence // at the dentist.”

Literature in Translation |

“Beyond Time”

“Life descends, we can walk / The footstep illuminates / The immense fear of being oneself in time // Our two almond hands are steel gates // And, look, how all the love of forests was needed / To adopt the eyes of the invisible.”

Poetry |

“These are some of the poems I read today,” “I went to the museum and stood staring at a chicken,” “If only the cute nannies at the park would trade glances at me” & “In Alice Notley’s poem ‘I must have called and so he comes'”

“Then I sat reading a book about the women who clean / other people’s houses, written by one of the women / homeowners. I thought about how the world is divided / between the books you start to read and the ones you don’t.”

Poetry |

“unknown caller”

“the threads that tie you to this life      will break / and break you / again                 and again     you will remember     the warmth / that resides in the garment       is not the garment itself”

Fiction |

“Notes From a Reunion”

“This was the same location where my parents ran a roadhouse that burned to the ground the year after we all graduated. My dad was in the midst of a mid-life crisis, at least that’s how he saw it.”