
Essay |

“Soap: Art of Failure”

“What if instead of saying we have failed we say that we are failuring? What if a practice of imagination is often also a practice of failure?”

Poetry |

“Pilgrims” & “Postcard”

“This is a cross-state / drive of faded billboards, endless sagebrush, // crowded rest stops and unemployed landmarks, / a countryside the boy quietly grows to accept, // until they reach the first signs of city life …”

Literature in Translation |

“B’s Grave,” “September 18, 1953” & “February 21, 1954”

“The past comes and walks by your side once more. / Don’t change your heart, don’t be charmed. / Don’t linger, take leave of the time …”

Fiction |

“Versions of Miriam”

“What would it be like to spend an entire night here, not waiting for anyone? The thought edged plausibility. If she was lonely and looking for a place to drive and feel unbothered, this would be the place.”

Poetry |

“Young Widowhood (ending in the ICU)” & “Monitors”

“Your usual grief is thick, pervasive, oozing / over everything, but tonight it’s erratic, an itchy // tag that scrapes your waist and some days you think of him / less …”

Literature in Translation |

“An Obituary for Roman”

“I called upon all residents of Omsk who follow me on social media to contact the fitness club where Roman was working and demand his firing for threatening women. My request went far and wide — tens of thousands of reposts, scores of news items in major media.”

Fiction |

“The Rock of Ephyra”

“The rock was beginning to understand that each day would be different, each day bringing subtle changes in the experience of being rolled up the hill and released to forge new trails.”

Poetry |

“Eleanor Remembers”

“It was the kind of town where if your neighbors / saw you walking, they assumed you’d lost your license — / too many DUIs — or your car, too many payments // missed.”

Poetry |

“Metal Rat,” “ism” & “Astonished”

“These husks of civic duty. These masks dissolved to the bone beneath. / This hand over a mouth. Over a million mouths. Over // infinite mouths open for a scream so long in coming it sparked / the ancient seas to life.”

Essay |


“But there was something in the dirt, in the water, my mom’s cousin Troy said — a toxic fallout that made its way into the bodies of the people.”

Poetry |

“A Burrow”

“Some would say this is no life at all, / but how could that be, / when all of my life is / eternally present?”