Poetry |

“Come Back!” and “To Bring You News”

Come Back!


Hey H.D., come back, there’s trouble all over

Ruins, as you said, there, as here

I need your flowering vision, lady

Come with your angels and blank book

With your elegant cheekbones

Your loquent lines upswept white hair

Lyrical long fingers and dark wool cape

As I’m reading the news

Help us, we filled the oceans

With the plastic crap we like to buy

Choked the sea-nymphs, let loose toxins into the sky

The land is parched, the poles are melting

My friends are canning food and buying guns

I have serious doubts, I have two children

You had one, Perdita, the Lost One

We live in the country and drank water

Poisoned by a chemical factory nearby

So people could eat microwave popcorn

And make omelettes with nonstick pans

It’s not that bad, our blood levels are so-so

It’s my job to protect them, H.D.

From bullies traffickers war mongers

I will write down everything you say

When bombs fell around your family

You seemed so sure in your poems

Walking down a London street

Thinking of Egypt of Mary of ruins

You stepped through a broken wall to see

A bomb-blackened apple tree flowering

It guided you through the Blitz

Here when cherry blossoms appear after the winter

I think, Pretty pink ladies

Don’t catch a disease and die on us

I remember the Two Towers falling

People pulverized, we breathed in their particles

A sickly sweet smell smoldering for months

That week the skies bore blue clarity

What can you teach me now?

I don’t think the petitions I’m signing are helping

Not religious have no husband need advice

Where to now, H.D.?

Come near, if you can bear it

I know, it’s not exactly here as there

We have made our own problems

I reread your poem and there

You stand at the top of the stair

Holding your book, your cape falls over me

H.D., tell me what to do



*     *     *     *     *



To Bring You News



Great news! A hiker found in a broken clay pot

The complete, unexpurgated works of Sappho

I made a plectrum from your eyelashes

Somebody somewhere will stroke a lyre in tribute



The troops of Caesar didn’t burn the library of Alexandria

To save it a million librarians pushed it into the Mediterranean

From our bed we can browse its 700,000 scrolls online

Who plunged Europe into the Dark Ages? Not us



We spotted the Dark Lady of the sonnets

Sporting tit windows and pleather hot pants

She nailed “Barracuda” on karaoke night

If you don’t clap, she’ll steal your man

And put your head on a spike on London Bridge



Milton is not for lovers in this post-lapsarian world

Everybody gets punished, and it’s no fun at all

Angels lecture and men labor and complain about it

Women suffer at men’s hands and die in childbirth

Nobody gets to say they’re sorry or make a joke



If you want to be ravished by God, fine

But that impotence better be metaphysical, mister

We’re so over the 17th century

No time for your closets or conceits

No room for your paradoxes and backtalk

We want to own property and vote



The Lake Poets paddle quite nicely

Do you think Coleridge was a fiend in bed

Especially when high & talking Shakespeare?

Shelley? Maybe a passive-aggressive Bottom

The worst, Wordsworth, a joyless Top

Blake? Bedding an angel never works out well



Such Fetishists & shabby poets

The Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood we admit was hot

I’m going to drown them all with my lush red hair

Then choke a knight with my bosom

I will need antibiotics after that frat house



Doesn’t anybody read Modernism anymore?

H.D.! Langston! Mina! Zora!

Please lay your fine visions before us

I don’t want anyone else intoning at me

Lightly I step my sandals over the footnotes



Feeling sorry for the Confessionals lately

How many epiphanies can one have in a day?

Gosh, it’s exhausting & suicide’s not sexy anymore

Nor are asylums or alcoholic rages

I want to ride off on Ariel into the future



I hung up my underpinnings in public

Constructed an ironic simulacrum

Post-poetry post-human post-time

Yet the real prevails

The sea level rises idealism falls

And ruthless ideologies abound

Put your head down

We have serious work to do

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