Poetry |

“Live Webcam: Ponte delle Guglie, Venice; March 2020”

Live Webcam: Ponte delle Guglie, Venice; March 2020



Just two people, now three, and a dog at

the end of a leash. I keep waiting for

something to happen. A bomb. A bullet.

Two cross the bridge from opposite sides, dog

hanging back for a pee at the canal’s

concrete edge. Ordinary. I may have

been there once, eating pastries, drinking cold

bitter sodas with my mother on wrought

iron chairs they put out so we could watch

the sun die each day. I could be there now.

In the grain of the camera’s eye, their masks

could be imagined, which is what I’m trying

to do: imagine. I want to see how

close they will get to each other, how close


I can get to them. I come back later,

surprised it’s night, one old lady pulling

a small cart of groceries. From the corner

of my screen, an empty water taxi

crosses the place where lamplight makes a school

of steel minnows against the surface. I

am trying to be present here. I

am trying to remember she is real,

the woman in the red shirt who just now —

this exact second, I tell myself — walks

back into the shadow of the alley

and disappears from my brief sight. Have I

never cared for anyone but myself?

And look what it took for me to know that.

Keetje Kuipers

Keetje Kuipers’ most recent collection of poetry, All Its Charms (BOA Editions, 2019), includes poems honored by publication in both The Pushcart Prize and Best American Poetry anthologies. Her poetry and prose have appeared in The New York Times Magazine, American Poetry Review, and Poetry. Keetje has been a Stegner Fellow, Bread Loaf Fellow, and the Margery Davis Boyden Wilderness Writing Resident. She lives with her wife and children in Montana, where she is Editor of Poetry Northwest. Her fourth book, Lonely Women Make Good Lovers, will be published by BOA Editions in spring 2025.

Posted in Poetry

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